On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 17:37:09 +0800, Hawk Xu wrote:

> > You need to post the entire oops message, not just the last part.  It should
> > start with "BUG". And using a more recent kernel would be a good idea.
> >   
> I'm sorry, but that's all we have now.  Our customer just sent us a 
> photo of the kernel panic screen.

They need to boot in 50-line vga mode then, so more can be seen.

> Our client also sent the /var/log/kernel file to us.  According to the 
> log file, everytime before kernel panic, there are some error messages.  
> The server encountered kernel panic three times, below are the error 
> messages before each time:

Those are normal when running buggy usermode code, but they should
never be able to affect the kernel.


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