On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 06:02:20PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> When it's installed on 95% of the computers, it's a de-facto standard. 

And "de facto" does not make it a real one.  opengl is installed on more
machines that directx.  If installation numbers is what decides it, then
opengl will beat directx easily and obviously means opengl should be the
de facto standard everyone uses.  I think what you meant is that windows
which has both opengl and directx is by far the most common
installation, and microsoft says to use directx rather than opengl on
their systems even though it has both and both work, and ID software
thinks microsoft's direct3d isn't as good as opengl, but that apparently
doesn't actually matter either.

Len Sorensen
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