On 1/24/07, Martin Bligh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Two years ago, maddog tried to convince me that Brazil would be a
perfect place to hold a kernel summit, and that the Brazillian
government was 100% behind linux, and could provide a wonderful
location, yadda, yadda, yadda.  What I told him was that the only way
I could imagine it working would be if the Brazillian government was
willing to pay travel costs for all 80+ kernel summit attendees to fly
from whatever their home airport to Brazil.  That way, we don't have
to deal with the pushback from corporate travel budget keepers for
having to pay $$$ for travel to places around the world.  When I told
 maddog that, presumably he went back to his Brazillian contacts and we
never heard back from him about moving the kernel summit to Brazil again.  :-)

I would suspect it would be a similar issue with India.  I'd love to
have the opportunity to visit Bangalore (or should I say Bengaluru? :-).
I also know that it's extremely unlikely that my employer would agree
to pay for me to fly there, not to mention all of the other folks that
would need to go to the K-S.  But hey, if you think that there are
organizations in India who would be willing to pay travel for _all_ of
the K-S attendees (preferably business class travel :-), let's

It's not just the cost of travel by any means - the extra travel time and
jetlag involved is huge - having everybody sleep through a conference is
distinctly less productive.

One of the advantages of the EST timezone locations is that it's at least
reasonably central to most of the players involved. Obviously, wherever
we hold it, some people get screwed ... the question is what screws
the fewest people the least. Personally, I'd prefer PST for purely selfish
reasons, but ... ;-)
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