Hi Philippe!

On 2 Feb 2007, at 00:15, Philippe Troin wrote:

Denis Vlasenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

What share the same file descriptor? MC and programs started from it?

All the processes started from your shell share at least fds 0, 1 and 2.

I thought after exec() fds atre either closed (if CLOEXEC) or
becoming independent from parent process
(i.e. it you seek, close, etc your fd, parent would not notice that).

Am I wrong?

I'm afraid so.  Seek position and flags are still shared after an

That's a bug, right? I couldn't find anything to that effect in IEEE Std. 1003.1, 2004 Edition...


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Version: 3.12
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PGP++ t+(++) 5 R+ tv-- b+ DI++ e+++>++++ h---- y+++

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