
在 2016/6/27 5:08, Nilay Vaish 写道:
On 26 June 2016 at 06:20, He Kuang <heku...@huawei.com> wrote:
From: Wang Nan <wangn...@huawei.com>

This patch copies "include/linux/math64.h" into
"tools/include/linux/math64.h" and copies
"include/asm-generic/div64.h" into
"tools/include/asm-generic/div64.h", to enable other libraries use
arithmetic operation defined in them.
This probably is a newbie question.  What prevents us from using the
header files directly?


For not being influenced by kernel headers update too much, perf adopts
the header files in its own folder.

Thank you.

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