Jeff Garzik wrote:
> Jeff Merkey wrote:
> > The PE model uses flags to identify CPU type and capbilities
> So does ELF.


Can we also combine mutiple segments from different processors or is it
a one-sy two-sy king of affair?  If so, we're there, it just becomes a
linking option.

I am building the RPM for Ute Linux with 2.4.0-10 and right now, I have
to do what RedHat does, and create the /config "directory from hell"
with two dosen .config files and create multiple RPMs for each kernel
(i.e. i586, .i686).  It's too convoluted and customers hate it.



> --
> Jeff Garzik             | "When I do this, my computer freezes."
> Building 1024           |          -user
> MandrakeSoft            | "Don't do that."
>                         |          -level 1
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