Joe Perches wrote:
Now that most of the sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])
conversions have been done (there are about 800 done
and about another 130 left), perhaps it could be
useful to change the code to use a define similar
to the list_for_each

#define list_for_each(pos, head) \
        for (pos = (head)->next; prefetch(pos->next), pos != (head); \
                pos = pos->next)


#define array_for_each(index, array) \
        for ((index) = 0; (index) < ARRAY_SIZE((array)); (index)++)

I like the idea, my only concern would be potential confusion. That is, the list_for_each macro sets pos to each list_head in turn where array_for_each just sets the index /in to/ the array. While I think the way you have is nicer, for compatibility between the two styles maybe something more like

 #define array_for_each(element, array) \
        for (int __idx = 0; __idx < ARRAY_SIZE((array)); \
                __idx++, (element) = &(array[__idx]))

would help. Of course the other option is to name array_for_each something different to avoid comparisons with list_for_each.

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