Am 19.10.2016 um 01:25 schrieb Jonathan Corbet <>:

> On Tue, 18 Oct 2016 08:20:18 -0200
> Mauro Carvalho Chehab <> wrote:
>>> While at it, how about unifying some of the FilenamesInCamelCase,
>>> filenames-with-hyphens, and filenames_with_underscores too...? To at
>>> least move things towards just one of them within one directory.  
>> Sure, let's do it. I would just keep README as README.rst , as people
>> are more used to see readme files on upercases.
>> For the rest, what's your preference?
>>      - FooBar.rst
>>      - foo_bar.rst
>>      - foo-bar.rst
>> My personal preference is for "foo-bar".
> I guess that would be mine too.  CamelCase is not generally all that
> popular in kernel space.  On one hand, I worry about further renaming
> files that we're already moving; on the other, if we're going to do it, I
> guess this would be the time, when people will have to look for them
> anyway...

OT / but related to sphinx extension: python files should not named "foo-bar" 
I you do so, you can't use them as regular modules ...

>>> import foo-bar
 File "<console>", line 1
   import foo-bar
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Hope there comes the time, we rename Documentation/sphinx/
and make a py-package from the sphinx folder.

> jon
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