On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Con Kolivas wrote:

There are updated patches for 2.6.20,, 2.6.21-rc3 and 2.6.21-rc3-mm2
to bring RSDL up to version 0.30 for download here:

Full patches:


Works fine here. Better than mainline. I can listen music from a video dvd while browsing with opera and amule running. In mainline (CFQ scheduler) i cannot do this because the sound skips badly. With RSDL there are very few skips, they are shorter and related on a particular event - in this case clicking a link in Opera browser.

Now system info:
CPU: AMD Duron 700 MHz, MB chipset VIAKT133 (UDMA 66), memory 384172 kB (reported by /proc/meminfo).

Kernel is 2.6.21-rc3 #3 PREEMPT with RSDL 0.30 patches.



P.S. As a side note: in mainline the cpu was distributed almost equally between different tasks which favoured the big cpu hogs (amule and opera). Now, in RSDL the mplayer gets a bigger stake


"frate, trezeste-te, aici nu-i razboiul stelelor"
                                Radu R. pe offtopic at lug.ro

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