On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 4:20 PM, Jonathan Corbet <cor...@lwn.net> wrote:

>> Exception occurred:
>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/docutils/writers/_html_base.py", 
>> line
>> 671, in depart_document
>>     assert not self.context, 'len(context) = %s' % len(self.context)
>> AssertionError: len(context) = 1
> I've just started getting that kind of stuff on the F25 box.  Some recent
> update clearly broke things; not fun.

My Python fu is weak but it looks like 'context' may be a stack where
the number of pops didn't match the number of pushes?

No clue how to fix that, though.


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