Just so you know the context, I'm coming at this from the point of view of an embedded call server designer.

Mark Hahn wrote:
why do you think fairness is good, especially always good?

Fairness is good because it promotes predictability. See the "deterministic" section below.

even starvation is sometimes a good thing - there's a place for processes
that only use the CPU if it is otherwise idle.  that is, they are
deliberately starved all the rest of the time.

If you have nice 19 be sufficiently low priority, then the difference between "using cpu if otherwise idle" and "gets a little bit of cpu even if not totally idle" is unimportant.

Starvation is a very *bad* thing when you don't want it.

Much lower and bound latencies

in an average sense?  also, under what circumstances does this actually
matter? (please don't offer something like RT audio on an overloaded machine- that's operator error, not something to design for.)

In my environment, latency *matters*. If a packet doesn't get processed in time, you drop it. With mainline it can be quite tricky to tune the latency, especially when you don't want to resort to soft realtime because you don't entirely trust the code thats running (because it came from a third party vendor).


not a bad thing, but how does this make itself apparent and of value to the user? I think everyone is extremely comfortable with non-determinism
(stemming from networks, caches, interleaved workloads, etc)

Determinism is really important. It almost doesn't matter what the behaviour is, as long as we can predict it. We model the system to determine how to tweak the system (niceness, sched policy, etc.), as well as what performance numbers we can advertise. If the system is non-deterministic, it makes this modelling extremely difficult--you end up having to give up significant performance due to worst-case spikes.

If the system is deterministic, it makes it much easier to predict its actions.

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