On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 09:09:39PM +0100, Stephen Mueller wrote:
> OK, I used gdisk to remove the GPT and MBR from each disk.
> mdadm --assemble still doesn't work... says it can't find the
> superblock. The mdadm --examine commands also say that no
> superblock is detected.

Yes the GPT overwrite the superblock.  The GPT uses the first 17KB of
the disk, and the superblock was at 4KB from the start.

> I guess I'll go ahead with --create...

At least given the data should start at 1MB from the start, it should
not have been overwritten.

I do always like disk images before I try anything like that.  I am never
quite sure what create will do although it will likely do the right
thing at least if you get the order right.

Len Sorensen

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