> Regarding the other comment about the "fast mode", my main worry here
> is that somebody might come up with a 2Mhz capable device, we'll hit
> your 1Mhz test, enable fast mode, and shoot it with 3.4Mhz which it
> might not be happy at all about...
> I think the cut-off for switching to the "fast" mode should basically
> be the fast speed mode frequency (which isn't clear from the spec but
> seems to be 3.4Mhz). Otherwise people will end up with higher speeds
> than what they asked for and that's bad.

Ah, but see the documentation only says that high speed mode sets the
Base Clock divisor to zero; is does not say anything about tCKHigh or
tCKLow (clk_high and clk_low in my code respectively), which are the
only parameters which are manipulated for speeds greater than or equal
to 1.5MHz since:

# I forgot the "APB_freq /" part in the comment on my
# My function still does the computation correctly, I just forgot this
in the comment.
SCL_freq = APB_freq / (1 << base_clk) * (clk_high + 1 + clk_low + 1)

so if base_clk = 0, clk_high = 15, clk_low = 15, APB_freq = 50MHz

SCL_freq = APB_freq / (1 << base_clk) * (clk_high + 1 + clk_low + 1)
                = 50000000 / (1 << 0) * (15 + 1 + 15 + 1)
                = 50000000 / 32
                = 1562500Hz
                = ~1.5MHz

so maybe instead of setting a hard limit like I did, maybe the best
thing is to just check and see what the base_clk gets set to and if it
gets set to zero, we turn on high speed mode. What do you think?


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