On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 05:13:36PM +0800, yanjiang....@windriver.com wrote:
> From: Yanjiang Jin <yanjiang....@windriver.com>
> socfpga_cpu_die() just puts CPU in WFI, not actually off. So that Kexec's
> second kernel goes wrong since the kerenl text gets ovewritten.
> Now reset CPU1 in cpu_kill() to avoid this error.
> Also add flush_cache_all() to prevent data from being lost in cpu_die().

You should not need this, as the common code does the cache flushing
for you.

It's rather unsafe too - you are completely unsynchronised between the
CPU executing in cpu_die() and the CPU executing cpu_kill() - it's
quite possible for the code in cpu_kill() to take effect when you're
part-way through the flush_cache_all().

RMK's Patch system: http://www.armlinux.org.uk/developer/patches/
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