* Russell King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One per PC card socket to avoid the sysfs locking crappyness that 
> would otherwise deadlock, and to convert from the old unreadable state 
> machine implementation to a much more readable linearly coded 
> implementation.
> Could probably be eliminated if we had some mechanism to spawn a 
> helper thread to do some task as required which didn't block other 
> helper threads until it completes.

looks like the perfect usecase for threadlets. (threadlets only use up a 
separate context if necessary and can be coded in the familiar 
sequential/linear model)

(btw., threadlets could in theory be executed in irq context too, and if 
we block on anything it gets bounced off to a real context - although 
this certainly pushes the limits and there would still be some deadlock 
potential for things like irq-unsafe non-sleeping locks (spinlocks, 

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