On Sat, 14 Apr 2007, Jan Engelhardt wrote:

On Apr 14 2007 10:04, Mike Snitzer wrote:

ZFS does have some powerful features but much of it depends on their
broken layering of volume management.  Embedding the equivalent of LVM
into a filesystem _feels_ quite wrong.


Unfortunately in order for Linux to incorporate such a feature I'd
imagine a new filesystem would need to be developed with redirect on
write at its core.  Can't really see ext4 or any other existing Linux
filesystem grafting such a feature into it.  But even though I can't
see it; do others?

FUSE-based filesystems. (That said, might wanna try through
"ZFS-on-fuse" fs).

FUSE implemtation uses too many context switches on each I/O so on the same hardware it will never will be so fast as on Linux, BSD and MOX (yes ZFS is now avalaible on all this OSes .. and few people says Windows implemtation is very close). Current FUSE implemntation can't be comparable in aspects of speed and probably never will be on using threads (very simmilar case to ALSA and mixing in user space .. in both cases it is broken by design). Also ZFS on Solaris uses few other system abilities for example it interract with PSH.

So FUSE ZFS is IMO only kind of academic demo implemtation only but never will be usefull/ready for production (plain waste of time). If Linux licensing will not be relaxed probaly we can forget about ZFS on Linux (licensing problems in this case are obly on Linux side .. <ironically>in this case ZFS licensing is more oppened than Linux licensing </ironically>).

PS. IIRC implemting ZFS on FUSE was some kind of workaround for licensing issue but FUSE fill uses vfs layer and probaly still thinking about
licensing is actual.
*Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
Tomasz Kłoczko, sys adm @zie.pg.gda.pl|*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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