* Masami Hiramatsu <mhira...@kernel.org> wrote:

> > Also, 'function_offset_within_entry' is way too long a name, and it's also 
> > a 
> > minomer I think. The purpose of this function is to enforce that the 
> > relative 
> > 'offset' of a new probe is at the standard function entry offset: i.e. 0 on 
> > most 
> > architectures, and some ABI dependent constant on PowerPC, right?
> > 
> > That's not at all clear from that name, plus it's a global namespace 
> > symbol, yet 
> > has no 'kprobes' prefix. So it should be named something like 
> > 'kprobe_offset_valid()' or such, with an arch_kprobe_offset_valid() 
> > counterpart.
> Hmm, I would rather like kprobe_within_entry(), since offset != 0 is
> actually valid for normal kprobe, that is kretprobe and jprobe limitation.

But what entry? That it's within a range or that offset is always 0 is really 
implementational detail: depending on what type of kprobe it is, it is either 
validly within the confines of the specified function symbol or not.

What _really_ matters to callers is whether it's a valid kprobe to be inserted 
into that function, right?

I.e. the long name came from over-specifying what is done by the function - 
simplifying makes it actually more meaningful to read.



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