On 8/19/17 2:46 PM, Shubham Bansal wrote:
test_pkt_access:PASS:ipv4 271 nsec
test_pkt_access:PASS:ipv6 297 nsec
test_xdp:PASS:ipv4 961517 nsec     <--- Here is the difference.
test_xdp:PASS:ipv6 615855 nsec     <--- Here is the difference.

yes. this is expected. These two numbers are single run
on cold cache, so there will be run-to-run variation.

test_l4lb:PASS:ipv4 3049 nsec
test_l4lb:PASS:ipv6 3906 nsec

These two and the first two were the ones I was interested in,
since they do many iterations over the same set and
the best to compare code gen changes.
The delta % is actually better than I expected judging by test_bpf
micro-benchmarks, so the results are very encouraging.


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