On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 1:40 AM, Denis Plotnikov
<dplotni...@virtuozzo.com> wrote:
> ping!

I still don't feel my questions have been well answered. Its really
not clear to me why, in order to allow the level-2 guest to use a vdso
that the answer is to export more data through the entire stack rather
then to make the kvmclock to be usable from the vsyscall.

So far for a problem statement, all I've got is:
"However, when using nested virtualization you have

        L0: bare-metal hypervisor (uses TSC)
        L1: nested hypervisor (uses kvmclock, can use vsyscall)
        L2: nested guest

and L2 cannot use vsyscall because it is not using the TSC."

Which is a start but doesn't really make it clear why the proposed
solution is best/necessary.


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