As you've probably seen from Richard's announcement, it is now
possible to use the LTT/DProbes pair to dynamically insert trace
points anywhere in the system.

That said, the added functionnality to LTT also enables kernel/
module programmers to dynamically add trace types and log the
corresponding events in the trace.

The following functions have been added to provide this capability:
int  trace_create_event
       (char*            /* String describing event type */,
        char*            /* String to format event description */,
        event_data_desc* /* Table containing data formatting details */);
void trace_destroy_event
       (int           /* The event ID given by trace_create_event() */);
void trace_reregister_custom_events
int  trace_formatted_event
       (int           /* The event ID given by trace_create_event() */,
        ...           /* The parameters to be printed out in the event string */);
int  trace_raw_event
       (int           /* The event ID given by trace_create_event() */,
        int           /* The size of the raw data */,
        void*         /* Pointer to the raw event data */);

The following is an example module that uses this functionnality to
log custom events in the trace:
#define MODULE


#include <linux/config.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/trace.h>
#include <asm/string.h>

struct delta_event
  int   an_int;
  char  a_char;

static int alpha_id, omega_id, theta_id, delta_id, rho_id;

int init_module(void)
  uint8_t a_byte;
  char a_char;
  int an_int;
  int a_hex;
  char* a_string = "We are initializing the module";
  struct delta_event a_delta_event;

  /* Create events */
  alpha_id = trace_create_event("Alpha",
                                "Number %d, String %s, Hex %08X",
  omega_id = trace_create_event("Omega",
                                "Number %d, Char %c",
  theta_id = trace_create_event("Theta",
                                "Plain string",
  delta_id = trace_create_event("Delta",
  rho_id = trace_create_event("Rho",

  /* Trace events */
  an_int = 1;
  a_hex = 0xFFFFAAAA;
  trace_formatted_event(alpha_id, an_int, a_string, a_hex);
  an_int = 25;
  a_char = 'c';
  trace_formatted_event(omega_id, an_int, a_char);
  memset(&a_delta_event, 0, sizeof(a_delta_event));
  trace_raw_event(delta_id, sizeof(a_delta_event), &a_delta_event);
  a_byte = 0x12;
  trace_raw_event(rho_id, sizeof(a_byte), &a_byte);

  return 0;

void cleanup_module(void)
  uint8_t a_byte;
  char a_char;
  int an_int;
  int a_hex;
  char* a_string = "We are initializing the module";
  struct delta_event a_delta_event;

  /* Trace events */
  an_int = 324;
  a_hex = 0xABCDEF10;
  trace_formatted_event(alpha_id, an_int, a_string, a_hex);
  an_int = 789;
  a_char = 's';
  trace_formatted_event(omega_id, an_int, a_char);
  memset(&a_delta_event, 0xFF, sizeof(a_delta_event));
  trace_raw_event(delta_id, sizeof(a_delta_event), &a_delta_event);
  a_byte = 0xA4;
  trace_raw_event(rho_id, sizeof(a_byte), &a_byte);

  /* Destroy the events created */

This is the resulting output in the trace dump:
Memory                  975,040,616,826,952     494     14      PAGE ALLOC ORDER : 0
Memory                  975,040,616,826,957     494     14      PAGE FREE ORDER : 0
Memory                  975,040,616,826,958     494     14      PAGE FREE ORDER : 0
Event creation          975,040,616,826,964     494     146     NEW EVENT TYPE : Alpha
Event creation          975,040,616,826,967     494     146     NEW EVENT TYPE : Omega
Event creation          975,040,616,826,970     494     146     NEW EVENT TYPE : Theta
Event creation          975,040,616,826,972     494     146     NEW EVENT TYPE : Delta
Event creation          975,040,616,826,974     494     146     NEW EVENT TYPE : Rho
Alpha                   975,040,616,826,988     494     80      Number 1, String We 
are initializing the module, Hex FFFFAAAA
Omega                   975,040,616,826,991     494     36      Number 25, Char c
Theta                   975,040,616,826,993     494     31      Plain string
Delta                   975,040,616,826,994     494     26      00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Rho                     975,040,616,826,995     494     19      12 
Syscall exit            975,040,616,826,996     494     6       
Syscall entry           975,040,616,827,028     494     14      SYSCALL : close; EIP : 

You can find more info on this custom event logging capability on
LTT's web site at:

You can find DProbes at:

Best regards


                 Karim Yaghmour
               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Operating System Consultant
 (Linux kernel, real-time and distributed systems)
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