On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 12:02 AM, NeilBrown <ne...@suse.com> wrote:
> I think it is crashing in
> static inline bool ata_is_host_link(const struct ata_link *link)
> {
>         return link == &link->ap->link || link == link->ap->slave_link;
> }

Yes. The code is

  1a: 8b 3a                mov    (%edx),%edi
  1c: 8d 8f 40 16 00 00    lea    0x1640(%edi),%ecx
  22: 39 ca                cmp    %ecx,%edx
  24: 74 49                je     0x6f
  26: b9 01 00 00 00        mov    $0x1,%ecx
  2b:* 39 97 80 24 00 00    cmp    %edx,0x2480(%edi) <-- trapping instruction
  31: 74 3c                je     0x6f

and that first "je" is the test for "link == &link->ap->link" (which
only takes the address relative to "link->ap" - thus the "lea"), and
that cmp that oopses is indeed loading that actual slave_link value.

So I agree. "link->ap" is NULL for some odd reason.

Hmm. Absolutely nothing has changed in libata-core.c recently,
certainly not that async_port_probe() thing.

So I suspect either it's just a timing difference, or it's some
unrelated memory corruption.

Xiaolong, I see that you have SLUB_DEBUG and SLUB_DEBUG_ON enabled,
but wonder if you can recreate this with DEBUG_PAGEALLOC and/or
DEBUG_OBJECTS enabled too?

Tejun, any ideas? The original report is at


in case you don't see it in your inbox from lkml.


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