In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>Its a Juniper M7i
>It comes default with a 5400 rpm laptop 2.5" harddrive but now we
>bought a more robust "server" 2.5" harddrive. It still barfs on the OS
>install, so the linux is doing all the job now. Will get a juniper guy
>to come and fix :)
>As a side note, i'm starting to wonder if it was worth the $20k when i
>could just have a linux machine to do the job with a clone for backup

Well, the features and esp. the JunOS cli are worth a lot. And
if you need to route more than say 3 gbit/s, PC hardware just
won't cut it.

Then again, if you like the CLI, don't need to route more
than 1 gbit/s, and don't need to do fancy stuff like MPLS,
QoS or shaping, there's always solutions like

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