> Hi Rafał,
>> >
>> > I found that setting the cpufreq governor to ondemand making the box
>> > lock up solid in and 2.6.21 after a few seconds.
>> > [...]
>> I can't explain this. Some motherboards are running fine, some don't.
>> I'm running longhaul too. It is working fine. No lockups at all.
>> So far I heard only about one Epia which had problems with longhaul.
>> It was almost like my Epia but older.
>> What is possible:
>> - some chipsets revisions are broken and aren't blocking DMA,
>> - special setup is required, some versions of BIOS are doing
>> necessary things, some don't,
> Which BIOS are you using?
Latest beta BIOS which was supposed to fix Linux "DMA timeout" bug. 
I don't remember exact version, It wasn't fixing this bug.
> [...]
>> Btw. I've been writting many times: if You want to use ondemand with
>> Longhaul You don't need cpufreq at all. It is just one another cool
>> gadget for You. Longhaul wasn't designed to change frequency often.
>> It has big latency and requires so much preparation that it isn't worth
>> if You don't need to save power or cool down CPU.
> What should I use instead of ondemand? I do want to save power and
> have my machine run cooler (I have a htpc that is on 24/7, it's
> running kind of hot and allready has blown a PSU)
I'm using conservative. It is allowing me to turn off fan with 
bigger cooler borowed from AMD CPU.
> Does the userspace governor have the same problems? (I'd guess so)
For testing I was using userspace governor. 1s interval, Min to max. 
1s interval. Max to min.
I don't like userspace programs. Most of them is doing exactly the 
same thing which ondemand does.
> I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for the work you have
> already done on cpufreq!
> So: thanks Rafał! I appreciate it!
Thanks, but it isn't working. It isn't good job. It isn't nothing more 
then luck.
> [...] 
> I am using the onboard mpeg2 hardware decoder with the Openchrome drivers
Me too. Works great. As usual not thanks to VIA, but good developers 
diging in binary drivers.
> I hope this helps someone
> Wander.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Linda 
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