On 21/11/2017 18:09, Eduardo Valentin wrote:

[ ... ]

> Well, I really do not see the point of a ask to extend the current API
> if have no single user of it. What are the current users problems with
> the API? What needs to be improved? What are the problems? We cannot
> tell, guess why? We have no users of it!
> Once again, do we have a reference platform? Oh, yes, that is Juno, and
> not even that is in mainline code.
> Folks, this can be a very nice discussion on how we can over engineer
> this API, but being pragmatic and avoiding wasting our time here, we all
> know what needs to be done. Dead code in mainline is hard to maintain.
> API to support out of the tree code is even harder. I am surprised to
> see this code was able to sustain itself in mainline with none
> challenging it for 2.5 y. So, we either get you guys to upstream at
> least one user of it or we just move on and remove the API, and keep
> mainline with only dynamic power, with periodic undershoots and
> overshoots. It is a simple decision: you either mainline it or keep IPA
> MORE inaccurate and take the burden to keep vendor own implementation
> of APIs for static power model on each product cycle, you choose.

+1 to remove it.

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