On Wed, Dec 06, 2017 at 02:22:39PM -0600, Andrew F. Davis wrote:
> On 12/01/2017 09:32 AM, Andrew F. Davis wrote:

> >> This will report the interrupt as handled even if we didn't see an
> >> interrupt we understand which will break shared interrupt lines.  At the
> >> very least we should log other interrupt sources numerically.

> > Okay, I think I can make that work by checking if no bits are set in the
> > interrupt regs and returning early if not, IRQ_NONE.

> This turned out to be more difficult than I expected, plus if I do
> handle an interrupt it doesn't mean the other device did not right? So
> this wouldn't fix shared lines as far as I can tell, but I don't
> register it as shared so this should be fine.

It'll mean that we don't offer the interrupt to anything else sharing
the line.

> As for your other suggestion of "log other interrupt sources
> numerically", could you explain this or point to an example of what you
> mean?

Just print out the bits that were set.

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