On 15/02/18 16:08, Lukas Senger wrote:
@@ -20,18 +21,20 @@
                target = <&gpio>;
                __overlay__ {
                        pps_pins: pps_pins@12 {
-                               brcm,pins =     <18>;
-                               brcm,function = <0>;    // in
-                               brcm,pull =     <0>;    // off
+                               brcm,pins =     <18 17>;
+                               brcm,function = <0 1>;    // in
+                               brcm,pull =     <0 0>;    // off

These modifications are not PPS related.

__overrides__ {
-               gpiopin = <&pps>,"gpios:4",
+               gpiopin = <&pps>,"in-gpios:4",
+               echopin = <&pps>,"out-gpios:4",
+                         <&pps_pins>,"brcm,pins:4";


I don't understand why these modifications are unrelated. Especially
the echopin-option should exist, shouldn't it?

These modifications are needed to define a custom instance of a PPS device which is not part of the PPS subtree, that's why they should be put into another patch.




HCE Engineering                      e-mail: giome...@hce-engineering.it
GNU/Linux Solutions                          giome...@enneenne.com
Linux Device Driver                          giome...@linux.it
Embedded Systems                     phone:  +39 349 2432127
UNIX programming                     skype:  rodolfo.giometti
Cosino Project - the quick prototyping embedded system - www.cosino.it
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