On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 4:47 AM, Florian Weimer <fwei...@redhat.com> wrote:
> If you want to catch stack frames which have unbounded size,
> -Werror=stack-usage=1000 or -Werror=vla-larger-than=1000 (with the constant
> adjusted as needed) might be the better approach.

No, we want to catch *variable* stack sizes.

Does "-Werror=vla-larger-than=0" perhaps work for that? No, because
the stupid compiler says that is "meaningless".

And no, using "-Werror=vla-larger-than=1" doesn't work either, because
the moronic compiler continues to think that "vla" is about the
_type_, not the code:

   t.c: In function ‘test’:
   t.c:6:6: error: argument to variable-length array is too large
     int array[(1,100)];

Gcc people are crazy.

Is there really no way to just say "shut up about the stupid _syntax_
issue that is entirely irrelevant, and give us the _code_ issue".


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