> There exists a similar scenario.  Set the IRQ affinity to a
bunch of
> CPUs, watch /proc/interrupts to see which CPU is actually
servicing the
> interrupts, then offline that CPU.  The kernel does not
reroute the IRQ
> to any of the other CPUs and the device also hangs.
> The furthest that I've dug is that it works on 2.6.17 and is
broken in
> 2.6.22-rc3 and 2.6.21.  Will git-bisect further, but I
wanted to know if
> anyone else has seen this sort of problem.  afaik, this
seems to happen
> with both IOAPIC and MSI interrupts, possibly more.
As a side note, on my very old SMP machine, 2.6.20 correctly
load-balance IRQs across CPU but 2.6.21 not. I know that
in-kernel IRQ load balancer is marked as deprecated and
somewhat broken, but with your report it make me think it
could be a bug in the IRQ rerouting part in my case too and
not necessary in the load-balancer (decision) part.



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