El Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 05:07:30AM -0700 Shaun Savage ha dit:
> I am trying to allocate very large memory within the kernel. I want to
> start by allocating one huge (4M) page and using that as buffer space.

possibly vmalloc() is what you're looking for, if it isn't really a
*page* of 4M, what afaik is impossible with a standard kernel.

vmalloc() allocates virtually contiguous memory, as opposed to
kmalloc() which allocates physically contiguous memory.

Matthias Kaehlcke
Linux Application Developer

     La libertad es como la maƱana. Hay quienes esperan dormidos a que
   llegue, pero hay quienes desvelan y caminan la noche para alcanzarla
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