
On 06/08/18 11:20, Vincent Guittot wrote:
> Hi Valentin,
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2018 at 14:33, Valentin Schneider
> <valentin.schnei...@arm.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 31/07/18 13:17, Vincent Guittot wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> This can easily happen with SD_PREFER_SIBLING enabled too so I wouldn't
>>>> say that this patch breaks anything that isn't broken already. In fact
>>>> we this happening with and without this patch applied.
>>> At least for the use case  above, this doesn't happen when
>> On my HiKey960 I can see coscheduling on a big CPU while a LITTLE is free
>> with **and** without SD_PREFER_SIBLING. Having it set only means that in
>> some cases the imbalance will be re-classified as group_overloaded instead
>> of group_misfit_task, so we'll skip the misfit logic when we shouldn't (this
>> happens on Juno for instance).
> Can you give more details about your test case ?

I've been running the same test case as presented in the cover letter on
my HiKey960 but with sched_switch tracing and with no tasksets. I've just
re-run the testcase with tasksets and I get similar results (i.e. a big
with coscheduling while a LITTLE is free) with or without the flag.

>> It does nothing for the "1 task per CPU" problem that Morten described above.
>> When you have this little amount of tasks, load isn't very relevant, but it
>> skews the load-balancer into thinking the LITTLE CPUs are more busy than
>> the bigs even though there's an idle one in the lot.
>>>> Morten

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