Dear Friend, My   sincere   apologies   for   this   unsolicited   mail   to   
you,   my   name   is   Barrister   Luis   Carlos   Delgado,   theCEO/founder 
of (LCD ABOGADOS) with offices in Madrid and Portugal. We consult for NGOs, 
Companiesand individuals on Family Law, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, and 
Wills. I am consulting you on business grounds: I know that it may surprise you 
receiving this mail from me since therewas   no   previous   correspondence   
between   us.   I   have   an   urgent   and   very   confidential   business   
proposal   of(USD$9,500,000.00) (Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars 
only) which I believe that will be a verygood opportunity for both of us, so I 
decided to contact you on the business. Further details; get back me on my 
direct contact number below: Tel: +351920414587Fax: +34917692994E-mail: 
Luis_carlos.delgado@consultant.comYour swift response will be highly 
recommended and appreciated, and I shall provide you with more detailsabout my 
urgent business proposal.Note: If my approach offends your moral ethics do 
accept my sincere apology, if on the contrary you wish towork with me on this, 
kindly get back to me with your interest for more details on my direct private 
contact.Best Regards,                                                           
                                         Luis Carlos Delgado Esq.(LCD ABOGADOS) 
Av. de Burgos 20, 28036 Madrid EspanaRua Sarmento de Beires 30 1ÂșE, 1900-221 
Lisboa PortugalTel: +351920414587Fax: +34917692994E-mail:

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