Hi Shuah,

On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 14:17:57 -0700 shuah <sh...@kernel.org> wrote:
> Thanks for catching this. I will fix it. This is the result of change 
> log content messing up the commit: The diff -Z in the change log 
> resulted in throwing out the Signed-off and Acked-by.

Tricky :-(

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> diff -Z is used to trim the trailing whitespace when comparing the
> loaded firmware file with the source firmware file. However, per the
> comment in the source code, -Z should not be necessary. In testing, the
> input and output files are identical.
> Additionally, -Z is not a standard option and is not available in
> environments such as busybox. When -Z is not supported, diff fails with
> a usage error, which is suppressed, but then causes read_firmwares() to
> exit with a false failure message.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Oh well! I will fix-up the change-log and amend the commit.


Stephen Rothwell

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