
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, I wrote:

> Playing around with some other nice levels, confirms the theory that 
> something is a little off, so I'm quite correct at saying that the ratio 
> _should_ be 1:10.

Rechecking everything there was actually a small error in my test program, 
so the ratio should be at 1:20. Sorry about that mistake.
Nice level 19 shows the largest artifacts, as that level only gets a 
single tick, so the ratio is often 1:HZ/10 (except for 1000HZ where it's 
5:100). Nevertheless it's still true that in general nice levels were 
independent of HZ (that's all I wanted to say a couple of mails ago).

Ingo, you can start now gloating, but contrary to you I have no problems 
with admitting mistakes and apologizing for them. The point is just that 
I'm reacting better to factual arguments instead of flames (and I think 
it's not just me), so I'm pretty sure I'm still correct about this:

> OTOH you are the one who is wrong about me (again). :-(

bye, Roman
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