On Friday, 20 July 2007 16:48, Huang, Ying wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-07-20 at 09:01 -0500, Milton Miller wrote:
> > Simplifying kjump: the proposal for v3.
> > 
> > The current code is trying to use crash dump area as a safe, reserved 
> > area to run the second kernel.   However, that means that the kernel 
> > has to be linked specially to run in the reserved area.   I think we 
> > need to finish separating kexec_jump from the other code paths.
> > 
> > (1) add a new command line argument that specifies the kexec_jump 
> > target area (or just size?)
> > 
> > (2) add a kjump flag to the flags parameter, used by kexec_load.   When 
> > loading a jump kernel, it is loaded like a normal kernel, however, 
> > additional control pages are allocated to (a) save this kenrel's use of 
> > the kexec_jump target area (b) save the backed up region that is used 
> > by all kernels like crash dump, and (c) space for invoking 
> > relocate_new_kernel that will get its args from the execution entry 
> > point and will restore the kernel then call resume and suspend.
> Backuping target memory before kexec and restoring it after kexec is
> planed feature for kexec jump. But I will work on image writing/reading
> first.

Have you thought about using any existing code, when you're at it?


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