On 03-Jul 17:36, Douglas Raillard wrote:
> On 7/2/19 4:51 PM, Peter Zijlstra wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 06:15:58PM +0100, Douglas RAILLARD wrote:


> > I'm not immediately seeing how it is transient; that is, PELT has a
> > wobble in it's steady state, is that accounted for?
> > 
> The transient-ness of the ramp boost I'm introducing comes from the fact that 
> for a
> periodic task at steady state, task_ue.enqueued <= task_u when the task is 
> executing.

I find your above "at steady state" a bit confusing.

The condition "task_ue.enqueue <= task_u" is true only for the first
task's big activation after a series of small activations, e.g. a task
switching from 20% to 70%.

That's the transient stat you refer to, isn't it?

> That is because task_ue.enqueued is sampled at dequeue time, precisely at the 
> moment
> at which task_u is reaching its max for that task.

Right, so in the example above we will have enqueued=20% while task_u
is going above to converge towards 70%

> Since we only take into account positive boosts, ramp boost will
> only have an impact in the "increase transients".


I think Peter was referring to the smallish wobbles we see when the
task already converged to 70%. If that's the case I would say they are
already fully covered also by the current util_est.

You are also correct in pointing out that in the steady state
ramp_boost will not be triggered in that steady state.

IMU, that's for two main reasons:
 a) it's very likely that enqueued <= util_avg
 b) even in case enqueued should turn out to be _slightly_ bigger then
    util_avg, the corresponding (proportional) ramp_boost would be so
    tiny to not have any noticeable effect on OPP selection.

Am I correct on point b) above?

Could you maybe come up with some experimental numbers related to that
case specifically?


#include <best/regards.h>

Patrick Bellasi

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