Paul Mundt wrote:
This is making API changes where it's convenient for your platform to use
this value, and there's no reason to change the API here at all.

Your proposed addition of flat_validate_relval is an API change, and very similar in nature to what I've done. A local variable here is the most natural way to store this information. What do you suggest we use, a global? A member in the task struct?

Why should all architectures have to change their APIs (not just adding
new things mind you, also changing existing definitions) to accomodate
something that can trivially be kept in the blackfin code?

I don't see how there's a burden given that we've provided patches, and most maintainers have already said their fine with it. It seems to me that it's a natural and common thing for many architectures to be updated when new things are added to core code.

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