On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 8:16 PM Nathan Chancellor
<natechancel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Admittedly, we really do not have many PowerPC experts in our
> organization

Not with that attitude. :P /s

> so we are supporting it on a "best effort" basis, which
> often involves using whatever knowledge is floating around or can be
> gained from interactions such as this :) so thank you for that!

That said, Google does have a significant amount of POWER machines in
the fleet used by our "prodkernel" teams.  Anecdotally, I've been
getting cc'ed on more and more internal bugs regarding ppc+clang+linux
kernels.  "prodkernel" is still in the process of moving a massive
fleet over to clang built kernels, but ppc is very important to
Google.  ppc32...I'm not so sure...let me ask some of our ppc folks
more about which uarch's and word sizes they really care about...

~Nick Desaulniers

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