Pavel Emelianov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Ulrich Drepper wrote:
| > Hash: SHA1
| > 
| > Pavel Emelyanov wrote:
| >>> Isn't it this?
| >>>
| >>>
| >> That was the initial problem, and I already answered to Ingo about
| >> it
| > 
| > No, look at my old mail which Ingo referenced in that posting.
| You pointed only one problem that is not a variation of "how do 
| we handle the case when we pass our pid outside the namespace".
| This problem with signals is now being resolved at IBM by Sukadev 
| and Serge (I put them in Cc), so this is about to be fixed by the
| time 2.6.24 releases (I hope).

Yes. We (Oleg, Eric included in Cc) have a patchset to address signals
issues in child pid namespaces. It is being discussed on Containers list:

We will post the patchset to LKML soon.

| As far as the "passing the pid outside the namespace" is concerned, 
| is my answer "pids should never be used outside the namespace they
| came from, otherwise userspace won't work as expected" satisfactory?
| So is "everything else", you mentioned, covered with the problems
| above?
| > - --
| > ➧ Ulrich Drepper ➧ Red Hat, Inc. ➧ 444 Castro St ➧ Mountain View, CA ❖
| > Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
| > 
| > HHz5f7TfM05Dps+ruPRiUrU=
| > =IjS4
| > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
| > 
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