On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 13:47:54 -0800 (PST) Linus Torvalds wrote:
>But quite frankly, I refuse to even care about anything past that. If 
>you have 12G (or heaven forbid, even more) in your machine, and you 
>can't be bothered to just upgrade to a 64-bit CPU, then quite frankly, 
>*I* personally can't be bothered to care.
>If they have that much RAM (and bought it a few years ago when a 64-bit 
>CPU wasn't an option), they can't be poor.
>So the _only_ explanation today for 12GB on a 32-bit machine is
> (a) insanity
> (b) being so lazy as to not bother to upgrade

Just around the corner...

$ ftp ftp
Connected to ftp.gwdg.de.
220-Gesellschaft fuer wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Goettingen
220-This is a Linux PC (Dell PE-2650, 2 CPUs P4/2800, 12 GB RAM)
220-running SuSE-Linux-8.2 with SuSE kernel 2.4.20-64GB-SMP.

There is no reason to upgrade the hardware - if it works, hey good then.
And I am pretty sure that a few 2 GB sticks are cheaper than a big 
opteron (if you only go by that). It sure is now - and probably even 
back then.
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