> I do have a question regarding the Linux time namespaces in respect of
> adding support for virtualizing the CLOCK_REALTIME.
> According to patch description [1] and time_namespaces documentation
> [2] the CLOCK_REALTIME is not supported (for now?) to avoid complexity
> and overhead in the kernel.
> Is there any plan to add support for it in a near future?
> Why I'm asking? 
> It looks like this kernel feature (with CLOCK_REALTIME support
> available) would be very helpful for testing Y2038 compliance for e.g.
> glibc 32 bit ports.
> To be more specific - it would be possible to modify time after time_t
> 32 bit overflow (i.e. Y2038 bug) on the process running Y2038
> regression tests on the host system (64 bit one). By using Linux time
> namespaces the system time will not be affected in any way.

And what's exactly wrong with moving the system time forward for a
duration of the test?

Cyril Hrubis

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