Arjan van de Ven wrote:
On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 14:49:16 -0500
Jerry Geis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am using centos 5.1, kernel. Machine works great all day.
Then sometime through the night the kernel dies, the trace is below.

is this when a 3D screensaver is active?
Probably worth running without the proprietary nvidia driver.... it
also tends to get more people to pay attention :)

In addition to this suspicion; you're the first one to report this oops
since at least a year as shown in

so it might well be something weird on your side (like the binary
driver or some heat problem created by having a 3D screensaver)


For a while, I have the same behavior. I tested under, 2.6.24-rc3 and rc4. So all of these kernels have the same issue. Also, I don't use any proprietary driver. My video card is Intel-945 and I use the "intel" driver. I use 3D screensavers as well. These kernels die after some long idles like 1 or 2 days after. My distribution is Kubuntu 7.10 and with Kubuntu kernel this behavior did not happened. So, how to track this interesting problem ? Any ideas welcomed :-)


Tarkan Erimer
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