* Aleksa Sarai:

> As I mentioned in the runc thread[1], this is really down to Docker's
> default policy configuration. The EPERM-everything behaviour in OCI was
> inherited from Docker, and it boils down to not having an additional
> seccomp rule which does ENOSYS for unknown syscall numbers (Docker can
> just add the rule without modifying the OCI runtime-spec -- so it's
> something Docker can fix entirely on their own). I'll prepare a patch
> for Docker this week.

Appreciated, thanks.

> IMHO it's also slightly overkill to change the kernel API design
> guidelines in response to this issue.
> [1]: https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/issues/2151

Won't this cause docker to lose OCI compliance?  Or is the compliance
testing not that good?

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