[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linus Torvalds)  wrote on 18.01.01 in 

> (Short and sweet: most hogh-performance people want point-to-point serial
> line IO with no hops, because it's a known art to make that go fast.  No
> general-case routing in hardware - if you want to go as fast as the
> devices and the link can go, you just don't have time to route. Trying to
> support device->device transfers easily slows down the _common_ case,
> which is why I personally doubt it will even be supported 10-15 years from
> now. Better hardware does NOT mean "more features").

Well, maybe.

Then again, I could easily see those I/O devices go the general embedded  
route, which in a decade or two could well mean they run some sort of  
embedded Linux on the controller.

Which would make some features rather easy to implement.

(Think about it: twenty years from mow, a typical desktop machine may be a  
heterogenous Linux cluster. Didn't someone say something about World  

(Note that I predicted this 2001-01-20T16:35:30. Just in case it actually  
works out that way.)

MfG Kai
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