On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 08:10:42PM -0800, Andrew Morton wrote:
> I must say that the number of bugs which actually go away when the user
> stops using nvidia/fglrx/ndiswrapper/etc is a small minority.

> But people who think that removing the nvidia driver will
> magically fix that khubd-got-stuck-in-D-state bug are urinating up an
> incline.
> Facts:
> - lots of people use nvidia/etc
> - most bugs they report aren't caused by nvidia/etc
> - we need lots of testers
> draw you own conclusions.

Thanks Andrew for this demonstration. At least now I know I'm not the only
one to think that. And no, I do not have any nvidia/etc. It's just that I
value their users' reports as much as the other ones just because otherwise
we would only track some elite's bugs, thus reducing the amount of information
we have to understand the circumstances under which it happens.


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