On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:32:49 +0100, Andrea Righi said:

> The interesting feature is that it allows to set a priority for each
> process container, but AFAIK it doesn't allow to "partition" the
> bandwidth between different containers (that would be a nice feature
> IMHO). For example it would be great to be able to define per-container
> limits, like assign 10MB/s for processes in container A, 30MB/s to
> container B, 20MB/s to container C, etc.

Has anybody considered allocating based on *seeks* rather than bytes moved,
or counting seeks as "virtual bytes" for the purposes of accounting (if the
disk can do 50mbytes/sec, and a seek takes 5millisecs, then count it as 100K
of data)?

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