(Forgot to cc lk. If anyone have comments please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Forwarded message from Rasmus Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----


The following patch makes drives/scsi/tmscsim.c use request_region
instead of check_region+request_region. It applies cleanly against
ac10 and with a little fuzz against 241p9.

Please comment.

--- linux-ac10-clean/drivers/scsi/tmscsim.c     Sat Jan 20 15:17:13 2001
+++ linux-ac10/drivers/scsi/tmscsim.c   Sat Jan 20 23:17:29 2001
@@ -2088,13 +2088,11 @@
     pACB = (PACB) psh->hostdata;
-    if (check_region (io_port, psh->n_io_port))
+    if (!request_region (io_port, psh->n_io_port, "tmscsim"))
            printk(KERN_ERR "DC390: register IO ports error!\n");
            return( -1 );
-    else
-       request_region (io_port, psh->n_io_port, "tmscsim");
     DC390_read8_ (INT_Status, io_port);                /* Reset Pending INT */

----- End forwarded message -----

        Rasmus([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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