Hello there,

Good day. I sent you an email a few days ago but I did not 
receive a reply. I am not sure if you got that email or not. I am 
Muhammad Faraz. I got your contact from an online business 
directory and I am contacting you because I have a proposition 
that could be of great interest to you. I want you to keep an 
open mind while reading this proposal. I represent the interest 
of my brother in-law who was a former minister in the Syrian 
Government. As you probably know, there is a lot of crisis going 
on currently in that part of the world and my brother in-law has 
been one of the few people to publicly oppose the Government's 
policy on this senseless war and killings of innocent citizens 
and have been trying to advocate for a more peaceful and 
prosperous country. Unfortunately, his unwavering support for the 
rebels who are fighting to put an end to the war has caused him 
to fall out with the ruling party and he now has reasons to be 
believe that his life is at risk. In order to ensure that his 
family is taken care of and protected incase anything happens to 
him, he has asked me to help him find a foreign partner with good 
business acumen that can help him secure and invest his assets 
that he has in Europe. This is why I have contacted you. I 
searched online and saw your profile so I thought you would be 
interested in this opportunity.

Do you have investment ideas or business projects that these 
funds can be invested into? Please note that he wants this done 
very discretely and I will be acting as his eyes and ears during 
the course of this transaction. He is also prepared to compensate 
you very much for your efforts so this would be worth your time. 
If this proposal interests you, kindly respond so that I can give 
you more details.



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