On 3/31/21 10:02 PM, Pali Rohár wrote:
> @@ -1655,9 +1655,6 @@ static int bq27xxx_battery_read_time(struct 
> bq27xxx_device_info *di, u8 reg)
>               return tval;
>       }
> -     if (tval == 65535)
> -             return -ENODATA;
> -
>       return tval * 60;
> I'm not sure if this is correct change. If value 65535 is special which
> indicates that data are not available then driver should not return
> (converted) value 65535*60. If -ENODATA is there to indicate that data
> are not available then -ENODATA should not be used.
> And if there is application which does not handle -ENODATA for state
> when data are not available then it is a bug in application.

Yeah, I just have a feeling return -ENODATA for time_to_full/empty is
not good here. Because:

1. From chip datasheet, it mentioned return 65535 when it's not
available (e.g. read time_to_full when discharging), but the driver
changes behavior here.

2. There is other case will return -ENODATA (e.g. the gauge not
calibrated), so it will confuse application which is real failure.

Could we change the value in minute instead of seconds in
bq27xxx_battery_read_time(), so that means driver do nothing but only
pass the value from the chip?

Best Regards,


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