
I would like to improve the following coccinelle script:

expression a, fmt;
expression list var_args;

-       DBG_871X_LEVEL(a, fmt, var_args);
+       printk(fmt, var_args);

I would  replace the DBG_871X_LEVEL macro with printk, but
I can't find a way to add KERN_* constant prefix to the fmt
argument in the + code line. If i try this

expression a, fmt;
expression list var_args;

-       DBG_871X_LEVEL(a, fmt, var_args);
+       printk(KERN_DEBUG fmt, var_args);

plus: parse error: 
  File "../test.cocci", line 94, column 20, charpos = 1171
  around = 'fmt',
  whole content = +     printk(KERN_DEBUG fmt, var_args);

how could I do this?

thank you in advance,


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