Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
Index: linux-2.6/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.S
--- /dev/null
+++ linux-2.6/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.S
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * ACPI wakeup real mode startup stub
+ */
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+#include <asm/msr-index.h>
+#include <asm/page_64.h>
+#include <asm/pgtable_64.h>
+       .code16
+       .section ".header", "a"
+/* This should match the structure in wakeup.h */
+               .globl  wakeup_header
+video_mode:    .short  0       /* Video mode number */
+pmode_return:  .byte   0x66, 0xea      /* ljmpl */
+               .long   0       /* offset goes here */
+               .short  __KERNEL_CS

Missing a .short pad here... Pavel fixed that at some point, I thought.

+pmode_cr0:     .long   0       /* Saved %cr0 */
+pmode_cr3:     .long   0       /* Saved %cr3 */
+pmode_cr4:     .long   0       /* Saved %cr4 */
+pmode_efer:    .quad   0       /* Saved EFER */
+pmode_gdt:     .quad   0
+realmode_flags:        .long   0
+real_magic:    .long   0
+trampoline_segment:    .word 0
+signature:     .long   0x51ee1111
+       .text
+       .globl  _start
+       .code16
+       cli
+       cld
+       /* Set up segments */
+       movw    %cs, %ax
+       movw    %ax, %ds
+       movw    %ax, %es
+       movw    %ax, %ss
+       movl    $wakeup_stack_end, %esp
+       /* Clear the EFLAGS */
+       pushl   $0
+       popfl
+       /* Check header signature... */
+       movl    signature, %eax
+       cmpl    $0x51ee1111, %eax
+       jne     bogus_real_magic
+       /* Check we really have everything... */
+       movl    end_signature, %eax
+       cmpl    $0x65a22c82, %eax
+       jne     bogus_real_magic
+       /* Zero the bss */
+       xorl    %eax, %eax
+       movw    $__bss_start, %di
+       movw    $__bss_end + 3, %cx
+       subw    %di, %cx
+       shrw    $2, %cx
+       rep
+       stosl
+       /* Call the C code */
+       calll   main
+       /* Do any other stuff... */
+#ifndef CONFIG_64BIT
+       /* This could also be done in C code... */
+       movl    pmode_cr3, %eax
+       movl    %eax, %cr3
+       movl    pmode_cr4, %ecx
+       jecxz   1f
+       movl    %ecx, %cr4
+       movl    pmode_efer, %eax
+       movl    pmode_efer + 4, %edx
+       movl    %eax, %ecx
+       orl     %edx, %ecx
+       jz      1f
+       movl    $0xc0000080, %ecx
+       wrmsr
+       lgdtl   pmode_gdt
+       /* This really couldn't... */
+       movl    pmode_cr0, %eax
+       movl    %eax, %cr0
+       jmp     pmode_return
+       pushw   $0
+       pushw   trampoline_segment
+       pushw   $0
+       lret
+       hlt
+       jmp     1b
+       .data
+       .balign 4
+       .globl  HEAP, heap_end
+       .long   wakeup_heap
+       .long   wakeup_stack
+       .bss
+       .space  2048
+       .space  2048
Index: linux-2.6/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.h
--- /dev/null
+++ linux-2.6/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Definitions for the wakeup data structure at the head of the
+ * wakeup code.
+ */
+#include <linux/types.h>
+/* This must match data at wakeup.S */
+struct wakeup_header {
+       u16 video_mode;         /* Video mode number */
+       u16 _jmp1;              /* ljmpl opcode, 32-bit only */
+       u32 pmode_entry;        /* Protected mode resume point, 32-bit only */
+       u16 _jmp2;              /* CS value, 32-bit only */
+       u32 pmode_cr0;          /* Protected mode cr0 */
+       u32 pmode_cr3;          /* Protected mode cr3 */
+       u32 pmode_cr4;          /* Protected mode cr4 */
+       u32 pmode_efer_low;     /* Protected mode EFER */
+       u32 pmode_efer_high;
+       u64 pmode_gdt;
+       u32 realmode_flags;
+       u32 real_magic;
+       u16 trampoline_segment; /* segment with trampoline code, 64-bit only */
+       u32 signature;          /* To check we have correct structure */
+} __attribute__((__packed__));
Index: linux-2.6/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.ld
--- /dev/null
+++ linux-2.6/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * wakeup.ld
+ *
+ * Linker script for the real-mode wakeup code
+ */
+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
+       . = 0x3f00;
+       .header         : { *(.header) }
+       . = 0;
+       .text           : { *(.text*) }
+       . = ALIGN(16);
+       .rodata         : { *(.rodata*) }
+       .videocards     : {
+               video_cards = .;
+               *(.videocards)
+               video_cards_end = .;
+       }
+       . = ALIGN(16);
+       .data           : { *(.data*) }
+       .signature      : {
+               end_signature = .;
+               LONG(0x65a22c82)
+       }
+       . = ALIGN(16);
+       .bss            :
+       {
+               __bss_start = .;
+               *(.bss)
+               __bss_end = .;
+       }
+       . = ALIGN(16);
+       _end = .;
+       /DISCARD/ : { *(.note*) }
+       /* Adjust this as appropriate */
+       /* This allows 4 pages (16K) */
+       . = ASSERT(_end <= 0x4000, "Wakeup too big!");
Index: linux-2.6/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/sleep.c
--- linux-2.6.orig/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/sleep.c
+++ linux-2.6/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/sleep.c
@@ -11,29 +11,84 @@
 #include <linux/cpumask.h>
#include <asm/smp.h>
+#include "realmode/wakeup.h"
/* address in low memory of the wakeup routine. */
-unsigned long acpi_wakeup_address = 0;
+static unsigned long acpi_realmode;
+unsigned long acpi_wakeup_address;
 unsigned long acpi_realmode_flags;
-extern char wakeup_start, wakeup_end;
+extern char wakeup_code_start, wakeup_code_end;
 extern unsigned long acpi_copy_wakeup_routine(unsigned long);
+extern unsigned long setup_trampoline(void);
+extern void wakeup_long64(void);
+extern unsigned long saved_video_mode;
+extern long saved_magic;
+extern volatile unsigned long init_rsp;
+extern void (*initial_code)(void);
+#ifndef CONFIG_64BIT
+extern int wakeup_pmode_return;
+extern char swsusp_pg_dir[PAGE_SIZE];
+static char temp_stack[10240];
+extern unsigned long FASTCALL(acpi_copy_wakeup_routine(unsigned long));
  * acpi_save_state_mem - save kernel state
  * Create an identity mapped page table and copy the wakeup routine to
  * low memory.
+ *
+ * Note that this is too late to change acpi_wakeup_address.
 int acpi_save_state_mem(void)
-       if (!acpi_wakeup_address) {
-               printk(KERN_ERR "Could not allocate memory during boot, S3 
+       struct wakeup_header *header;
+       if (!acpi_realmode) {
+               printk(KERN_ERR "Could not allocate memory during boot, "
+                      "S3 disabled\n");
                return -ENOMEM;
-       memcpy((void *)acpi_wakeup_address, &wakeup_start,
-              &wakeup_end - &wakeup_start);
-       acpi_copy_wakeup_routine(acpi_wakeup_address);
+       memcpy((void *)acpi_realmode, &wakeup_code_start, 4*PAGE_SIZE);

Using a PAGE_SIZE multiplier here isn't a good thing...

+       header = (struct wakeup_header *)(acpi_realmode + 0x3f00);

... especially not with magic constants like this.

If you're putting the "header" at the end, then you should also replace the end_signature stuff since that's, then, redundant. Furthermore, by doing so, you're also padding the binary out to its maximum length, so you might as well just remove the .bss-clearing stuff.

It's not really clear to me why to do this what way...

+       if (header->signature != 0x51ee1111) {
+               printk(KERN_ERR "wakeup header does not match\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       header->video_mode = saved_video_mode;
+#ifndef CONFIG_64BIT
+       store_gdt(&header->pmode_gdt);
+       header->pmode_efer_low = nx_enabled;
+       if (header->pmode_efer_low & 1) {
+               /* This is strange, why not save efer, always? */
+               rdmsr(MSR_EFER, header->pmode_efer_low,
+                       header->pmode_efer_high);
+       }

Yes, why not save EFER every time?

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